Eclipse season is beginning soon on September 17th/18th, triggering major changes, beginnings, and endings in new areas of your life. With two eclipses and Pluto being in Capricorn for the very last time (in our lifetime), the rest of this year is shaping up to be very eventful!
The Aries and Libra eclipses began in April of 2023 and they will end in March 2025. Simultaneously, the Pisces and Virgo eclipses begin, starting with a Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17th. Major changes have been unfolding in both the Aries and Libra houses in your chart due to the eclipses. Starting in September, the Virgo and Pisces houses in your chart will begin to experience major turning points.
What are Solar and Lunar Eclipses?
A solar eclipse is a supercharged New Moon. The Sun and Moon are conjunct the North Node and opposite the South Node. Like a New Moon, solar eclipses can trigger new beginnings and opportunities.
A lunar eclipse is a supercharged Full Moon. The Sun is conjunct the North Node while the Moon is conjunct the South Node, exactly opposite of the Sun/North Node. Like a Full Moon, lunar eclipses can trigger endings and the closing of chapters.
Sometimes the nodes will be in different signs than the Sun and Moon when an eclipse occurs. This is called hybrid or partial eclipse. Although the Nodes, Sun, and Moon aren’t in the same signs, the energy/power of partial or hybrid eclipses are considered the same as total eclipses; they aren’t considered weaker.
Astrologically, eclipses bring major changes to a house axis in the birth chart for about a 2-year period. Once the eclipses move into new signs/houses, those house topics will begin to evolve in a major way. For example, if the eclipses are moving through your 1st/7th house axis, you might change your hair color after having it the same for years or you couldmove to the next stage in your relationship, getting married or moving in together. Eclipses are neither positive nor negative; how the eclipses manifest really depends on the aspects of the eclipse and astrology that personally impact each person’s natal chart.
Who is most impacted by the Virgo/Pisces Eclipses?
The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will be most impacted by the Virgo and Pisces eclipses. More specifically, mutable rising signs will experience the most major changes in the next few years. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces risings will have the eclipses in their angular houses (1H/4H/7H/10H), which are the houses that represent some of the most important areas of life: yourself, your family, your long-term relationships, and your career or reputation. Over the next 2 years, mutable rising signs will be faced with some of the most major changes they’ll experience in their lifetime.
The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 17th/18th
The Pisces lunar eclipse in September is occurring at 25°, with the Moon right in between Saturn and Neptune; the Moon will likely struggle due to its position, in between two planets that are harder to work with. Also, the Moon is making a sextile to Uranus and Pluto. Because the Moon during this eclipse is aspecting all of the outer or generational planets, more societal changes are likely to unfold. Not only will individuals experience change from these eclipses, but so will countries, corporations, and larger communities.
Eclipses happen in the same signs every 18 years when the Nodes make their way back to the same signs; every 9 years, the eclipses will occur in the same signs but the North Node and South Node will be in opposite positions/signs. Because of the cyclical nature of astrology and the eclipses, you can reflect on 9 or 18 years ago, remembering the major changes that unfolded surrounding those years. On, you can find the exact dates of the eclipses and the signs that they were in, as far back as you want to look.
Similar areas of your life will experience changes as they did 9 or 18 years ago, but those changes will be different this time around. Think back to 2015/16 and 2006/7 - what areas of your life changed the most? Did your family, long-term partnership, job, etc. experience major changes, beginnings, or endings?
The effect of eclipses is similar to transit Pluto or Uranus making a conjunction or opposition to one of your planets or angles. Your life will transform and you will have little to no control over those changes.
When you think of eclipses, think of major changes, beginnings, and endings, not minor ones: moving to a new state or country, buying a house for the first time, moving out of your parent’s place, or moving in with a partner, getting divorced or married, having children, your children moving out, losing someone close to you, getting a new job after having the same one for years, changing fields in your career, retiring a sport or career, starting a business, experiencing major financial loss or gain, being sued or suing someone, long-term dealings with the law/courts, starting school/college, having a major health flare up/crisis, long-term hospital stays, beginning therapy for the first time, cutting off a parent/sibling/close friend, experiencing a major breakthrough in one of your closest relationships - like reconnecting after years of not talking to each other, and so many other scenarios.
Some of the houses in your chart represent other people, like the 11th house represents friends and the 7th house represents your long-term partner. When the eclipses move through houses that represent other people, those people may experience major changes in their own lives. You may or may not be impacted by the changes that occur in their life.
If you would like to know what major changes, beginnings, and endings may manifest for you due to the Virgo/Pisces eclipses, head over to my Patreon where I list what may unfold for each rising sign. For as low as $3.33/month, you can get extra astrology content and learn how the current astrology is personally impacting you!
Thank you so much for your support. I hope that this eclipse season brings the changes you’ve been wanting in your life. Remember to stay grounded by living each day in the present, not looking ahead at what might come next. Have a great eclipse season everyone 🙂