I reached out to individuals with different rising signs and asked them what happened in their lives during certain eclipses. Everyone has a different birth chart with unique aspects, so these changes or events aren’t guaranteed to happen when the eclipses move through a house axis. Pay attention to the transits that are also occurring during the eclipses! These real-world examples can give insight into the changes, beginnings, or endings that may happen when the eclipses move through 2 houses.
The eclipses are still in Aries and Libra, but they’ve also entered Virgo and Pisces. Your Aries/Libra houses have been experiencing major changes since April 2023. Your Virgo/Pisces houses are just beginning to experience major changes. Look at where these signs are in your chart; those are the houses experiencing change from the eclipses.
Eclipses in the 1st House/7th House Axis (impacting both Aries/Libra risings & Virgo/Pisces risings currently)
This person started a new relationship and fell in love quickly. They moved in with their partner within a few months and realized after some time that the relationship wasn’t healthy. They broke up and moved apart from each other.
This person moved into a house with their partner after living in an apartment together for two years. The couple started about marriage, getting engaged, and the future of the relationship. This person also gained weight after struggling to gain anything for years due to health reasons. This person’s family also went through major changes.
This person entered their first real relationship. They had never been in a serious relationship and found themselvesdeeply in love. The relationship lasted a few years, although it wasn’t the best relationship and had toxic tendencies.
This person broke up with their long-term partner but they ended up getting back together. They worked on themselves while single and worked on their beliefs surrounding relationships. They’ve been together ever since.
This person moved to a new state with their long-term partner. Their relationship came to an end, they tried getting back together, but in the end they split up for good. This person moved back home and is trying to find a new sense of independence while living alone.
This person got pregnant and had their first child after saying their whole life that they didn't want children. They were now a parent and took on a new identity and sense of responsibility. They ended up getting pregnant again and having a second child by the end of the eclipses.
Eclipses in the 2nd House/8th House Axis (impacting both Leo/Aquarius risings & Virgo/Pisces risings currently)
This person split up from a long-term partner of 20+ years and began to separate their lives from each other. Their father passed away. They went through a transformation and have found hope for life where there wasn’t much before. They’ve had to learn how to cope productively and how to heal. (This person is also going through their second Saturn return simultaneously, so the eclipses have been more extreme)
This person moved into a house with their partner. They’re making long-term plans related to their future. They’re figuring out how to split finances now that they live together. They’re having conversations about the prices of weddings, children, and investments they want to make. Their relationship has gone through a transformation of sorts.
This person moved states to move in with their partner. It was a big transition moving states and not having friends at the new place. They figured out how to live together and how they wanted to split their finances. This ended up being a very positive thing for both of them and they are still going strong.
This person started therapy for the first time. They dove deep into their past traumas and how it has shaped them. They also dealt with a lawsuit and were awarded settlement money. This person moved in with their partner for the first time and had to have hard conversations about their long-term wants and needs.
This person moved out of their long-term partner's house and quickly reconnected with a love interest from their past. They moved into a house in the same state but different city. They are trying to figure out how to live without2 incomes.
This person bought a house after receiving a settlement and moved homes with their family. They bought a new car for themselves and their partner. They entered a new financial situation with the settlement - they spent some of it and invested it as well. Not long after, the 2008 recession occurred and finances were more of an issue.
This person had a hard time after their grandmother passed away. They went to therapy and started taking antidepressants. This person coped and worked on their mental health.
This person got married for the second time and was in a much more supportive relationship. They moved in together and easily transitioned into living life with one another.
Eclipses in the 3rd House/9th House Axis (impacting both Cancer/Capricorn risings & Leo/Aquarius risings currently)
This person started learning about astrology, tarot, and crystals. They were somewhat close-minded before these eclipses, but once they occurred, this person began learning more about the world. They became more open-minded and eager to learn. This person tries to have a voice for those who aren’t being listened to.
This person became more aware of the world and what’s happening in it. They took on an advocacy-like role and reached out to people to have conversations related to politics and human rights. During this time, they learned a lot more about their philosophies and beliefs. They stopped calling themselves a Christian and distanced themselves from the religion completely.
This person moved a few miles away from where they lived before, in the same city. They broke down their religious beliefs and now aren’t sure what they really believe in. They’re more open-minded and have learned a lotabout the world and society. They’ve worked on their communication skills and have become a better listener. In turn, this has improved their closest relationships.
This person broke up with a long-term partner and began traveling with friends and family more than ever. While traveling, they met someone and now they are happily in love. Their partner travels for work and they can tag along sometimes, exploring different parts of the world.
This person moved to college in the same state but a different city, and experienced living with roommates for the first time. They focused on learning and really enjoyed their experience. They changed their major in college many times during these eclipses.
Eclipses in the 4th House/10th House Axis (impacting both Gemini/Sagittarius risings & Cancer/Capricorn risings currently)
This person made long-term plans with their partner about their careers and where they want to live. They also decided to be child-free. Both of them have been very career-focused while the eclipses have been in these houses.
This person quit their job after being at the same one for years. They ended up earning more money and having a better time at work at the new job.
This person went through major health issues that caused them to spend more time at home, away from college. They reevaluated their purpose and what they wanted to do as a career.
This person moved in with their partner and they are figuring out how to live together. They’re making long-term plans about children and marraige.
This person got laid off after having the same job for a few years. They’ve decided to move closer to home and find a new job wherever they end up. It’s a really big transition period, but they’re feeling hopeful.
This person changed jobs in order to get better benefits. They work longer hours but the benefits make it worth it. This person has entered into a major relationship during these eclipses and they’re making long-term future plans together.
Eclipses in the 5th House/11th House Axis (impacting both Gemini/Sagittarius risings & Taurus/Scorpio risings currently)
This person began a small business related to one of their hobbies. They prioritized their own independence and spending more time with friends.
This person went to college and met a ton of people. They became super close friends with their roommate and joined a sorority, which opened their horizons. This person had a ton of fun and prioritized enjoying their time. They broke up with their boyfriend and dated for the first time in a long time.
This person worked on becoming sober and improving their life. They found a new sense of self-expression and became more confident in who they were. This person spent more time with friends, started many different hobbies, and is happier and healthier than they’ve been in a long time.
This person broke up with their partner and focused on spending time with friends. Because of this, they created some great friendships. They joined different groups in college to become more involved. They felt a great sense of community and support.
Eclipses in the 6th House/12th House Axis (impacting both Aries/Libra risings & Taurus/Scorpio risings currently)
This person spent more time alone after living with a toxic ex. They live alone and really enjoy it. They’ve worked on their routines and sense of independence. They’ve gained some weight as they’re growing older, which was expected but is something they’re working through. They’ve worked hard the past year and a half.
This person had to quit the sport they had been doing their entire childhood because of health problems. They began to have back and hip problems which essentially forced them to quit. They went through a really hard time mentally since they had spent their entire life doing this sport. They felt lost and it took a while before figuring out life without the sport.
This person moved to a new town for college and didn’t have the easiest transition. They learned how to live without their parents and struggled to make new friends. They worked really hard on their education, but also had a job on top of homework and studying.
This person took on new routines. Their career stayed the same but what they did on a day-to-day basis changed. They struggled with their mental health and started going to therapy.
This person coped after getting out of a long-term relationship. They focused on their health and wellness and spent much more time alone. Their mental health was also something they had to work through as these eclipses occurred. It was a difficult time especially at first, but days got easier as time went on.
Thank you for reading as always! As eclipse season comes to an end, I hope that the major changes, beginnings, and endings you endure are positive and helpful for your personal growth. I would love to hear more of your eclipse stories and have a conversation about the changes that manifested!