Transit Jupiter is approaching transit Uranus in Taurus and on April 20th, we will experience an exact Jupiter - Uranus conjunction. This only happens about every 13 years, so it is something to pay attention to!
Jupiter is the planet that expands things and Uranus is the planet of sudden events and changes. When two planets are conjunct, their energies are intertwined for the time being. On the most basic level, there will be more opportunities for sudden events to unfold in the weeks surrounding April 20th. Because Uranus moves so slowly in transit, its impacts can be very noticeable. This is even more true when Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, expanding the opportunity for sudden events to unfold.
The last time we experienced a Jupiter - Uranus conjunction was in 2010-11. The previous conjunction happened 3 times with retrogrades and this time around, the exact conjunction will only happen once. The heightened opportunity for sudden events/changes won’t last as long as it did thirteen years ago. Additionally, the previous conjunctions were experienced differently because Uranus was stationing retrograde and direct (moving back and forth) between Pisces and Aries. Not only did we experience 3 exact conjunctions between Uranus and Jupiter, but they occurred in 2 different signs. This doesn’t happen often and indicates that the last Jupiter - Uranus conjunction was more intense than usual. Reflect back to 2010-2011; what changes unfolded in your life, especially in the Aries or Taurus house in your chart?
With transit Jupiter and Uranus in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, individuals are likely to be more strong-willed. People will feel more uncomfortable with the potential changes that this conjunction brings because of Taurus’s qualities. All of the things that Taurus represents have the opportunity to be shaken up surrounding the weeks of April 20th. Taurus rules land, physical, and material security. In our capitalistic society, money is what creates physical and material security. Because of this, finances have the opportunity to shift with this conjunction. Some people will experience changes at home that impact their safety and security. Overall, individuals may feel on edge and will suddenly feel the need to make changes.
Uranus and Jupiter are unaspected (pretty much) during the duration of the conjunction. I say pretty much because they will experience aspects from the Moon since it moves so quickly. Them being unaspected means that their energies aren’t being influenced by the other planets. The pure energy of Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus is going to be noticeable.
The transit Moon can act as a trigger in predictive astrology. When the Moon makes a conjunction or opposition to another aspect that is already happening, the Moon triggers the other aspect to be felt more intensely. When the Moon makes a conjunction or opposition to the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction, the sudden events and changes are even more likely to manifest. On April 9th/10th, the Moon will make a conjunction to Uranus and Jupiter. On April 24th, the Moon will make an opposition to Uranus and Jupiter. The Uranus - Jupiter conjunction is amplified around these days and you’ll likely feel the impacts of the conjunction even more.
If you want to learn how the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction will impact you more personally, subscribe to my Patreon for as low as $3.33/month! I go through all twelve rising signs and explain how the conjunction can manifest in your life. Thank you for reading and your support - I would love to hear how Jupiter conjunct Uranus impacts your life once it occurs!