Chiron is a comet/minor planet that some astrologers will use in addition to the planets and angles. Chiron is referred to as the “wounded healer”. Not only will it give insight into how to heal your wounds, but your Chiron placement can be representative of some of the core inner wounds you have.
Chiron takes about 50 years to get through all 12 zodiac signs. It's time through each sign is not equal though! Chiron spends more time in some signs and takes much less time in others. You likely have the same sign Chiron as everyone your age; Chiron can stay ~1.5 - 9 years in each sign, depending on the sign. For example, Chiron will be in Aries for about 9 years but it only stays in Scorpio for about 2 years. The orbit is wildly different.
The house Chiron is placed in represents where some of your deepest wounds lie. The areas of life that the house represents will be most influenced by Chiron. For example, if you have Chiron in the 2nd house, your wounds could be related to finances, assets, income, and self-worth.
The sign that your natal Chiron is in can give insight into the energy you struggle to engage in. The sign that Chiron is placed in can be triggering or uncomfortable for you in general. An example of this would be having Chiron in Aries; you might struggle with the independent and fiery nature of the sign. You might have triggers in your life that relate to Aries traits.
When Chiron is in a certain house/sign, you might struggle to navigate the topics that the sign or house represents. Both the sign and house of your natal Chiron will shape some of your fears and struggles.
When Chiron is placed in an angular house (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th), Chiron is more powerful and noticeable in the lifetime of an individual. Any planet placed in an angular house has more power to be noticed, so when Chiron is in an angular house natally, the wounds and/or taking the steps to heal those wounds will be a major theme in life.
When Chiron makes a major aspect (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) to one of the planets or angles in your natal chart, you will likely feel the impacts of Chiron more noticeably. Aspects in astrology are the relationships between the planets. They are the conversations that the planets are having with each other. When your natal Chiron makes an aspect to a personal planet or angle in your chart, you are likely going to have to navigate Chiron in your life on a more personal level. Chiron will be more impactful on you personally if it aspects your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, or one of the angles.
If Chiron is making a hard aspect natally, an opposition, square, or conjunction, you will likely be confronted with some of your deepest wounds or fears and impelled to heal them in your lifetime. With a soft aspect from Chiron, a trine or sextile, the impact and power of Chiron will not be as strong. A soft aspect will likely aid you in feeling more supported when healing general wounds in your life.
When Chiron makes an aspect to one of your natal personal planets, always go one step further and check which house(s) the planet rules in the chart. For example, if Chiron aspects the Sun, notice what house Leo is placed in. That house is ruled by the Sun - the Chiron aspect is fully intertwined with those Leo house topics, not just Sun topics.
Here are the traditional planetary rulers:
Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Gemini & Virgo
Venus - Taurus & Libra
Mars - Aries & Scorpio
Jupiter - Sagittarius & Pisces
Saturn - Capricorn & Aquarius
Although Chiron can be challenging to work with, it can be incredibly rewarding to work on Chiron's “problems.” Chiron represents some of your deepest wounds that feel impossible at times to get rid of or hide; the problems that you remember having even as a young child.
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